KSOM Dept of PopPublicHS_1 lineWhtGold

COVID-19 Pandemic Research Center (CPRC)

Research Groups

Survey Research Group

Led by Jennifer Unger



The survey research group will form a centralized system of collaborators for assisting investigators with all phases of survey research:

Data Sciences Group

Led by David Conti



The Data Science Initiative within the Center will serve as the centralized conduit linking projects with data and corresponding analyses. This includes the following tasks:

Laboratory Group

Led by Andrea Kovacs



The survey research group will form a centralized system of collaborators for assisting investigators with all phases of survey research:

Health Behavior Research Group

Led by Lourdes Baezconde-Garbanati



The health behavior research group is the behavioral arm of the Center, with a focus on development of research to advance our understanding of the behavioral aspects of pandemics, epidemics, and other major threats to society. Investigators from the Center have a particular interest in risk, health safety behaviors and mitigation behaviors related to COVID-19, other epidemic and pandemic related behaviors and the impact of these behaviors in diverse populations.